News from the BNI Global Convention 2021
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At the just concluded BNI Global Convention 2021, one of the special moments for the UAE was for the BNI Central Dubai Region to be recognized as having the highest average chapter size of 57.6 in the Middle East & Africa market.
Central Dubai is made up of 5 chapters, all of which are over 50 members each. As a result, the average annual seat value of these 5 chapters is AED 774k which is at least 2.4 times higher than all the other chapters in the country.
“BNI Central Dubai is a showcase region and we want ALL our members across the country to see the value of having large chapters. Not only are they large but their size makes them stronger in their ability to generate a substantially higher return on investment for our members. This recognition comes at the right time – just as we launch the Race To Your Success Campaign with the aim of growing all our chapters to become stronger” – says our National Director, Bijay Shah.